Dataset Multitool
Interpret, convert and reformat CSV datasets and various text formats.
Examples input

Input data
Paste dataset in textbox below and press Input format Column names in first row, decimal separator
Data definition
Columns in input rows.
Output data
Adjust columns and press Output format Column names in first row, Decimal separator Trim all values
SQL table SQL max rows
Data definition
Columns in output rows.

Convert or reformat datasets:
Paste your input dataset in the top green textarea, click "Smart detect" to automatically detect column definitions, then press "Convert".
Copy and paste the bottom blue textarea into a new file or spreadsheet.
You can change the output date formats, the decimal separator, rearrange the output column order, remove output columns or add new empty output columns.
Decimal separator
Adjust decimal point or comma when converting numeric values. Select option (unchanged) to copy numeric values as-is.
Select point as decimal separator for input will remove any thousand separator commas. And vice versa, if comma is decimal separator then any points thousand separators will be removed for numeric values.
Use any dateformat using (dd=day, mm=month, yyyy=year, yy=two-digit year, hh=hours, nn=minutes, ss=seconds, fff=milliseconds).
Allowed datetime separators are - \ / . : and space.
Use d m h to indicate non-fixed positions without leading zeroes, for example "d-m-yyyy h:mm" allows values like "30-1-2019 9:00" and "1-12-2019 12:00" etc.

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